Thursday, April 11, 2013

Silky Smooth Legs

This may sound a bit odd, but everyone tells me how smooth my legs are! Ill be with all my friends and then we start talking about shaving and girls being girls, we start feeling each others legs to determine who's razor or shaving cream is the best.
And quite a few girls have asked how I get my legs so smooth and the secret is a scrub I make and use! It exfoliates my legs and makes them silky smooth.
The recipe is:
3 tbls of lemon juice
1 and 1/4 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of oil

What to do:
While in the shower BEFORE shaving, scrub this all over your legs, roughly. Let it sit for a few minutes and then shave.
Rinse and dry and WALLAH silky smooth legs. Also, you may want to put lotion on after to make sure your legs don't get dry (:
I hope this works for you! Leave me a comment below and tell me how it does. Thanks!

Monday, October 29, 2012

DIY glitter nail polish

  How to make your own glitter nail polish.
  What you will need:
1. Clear nail polish (NYC polish is $.93 at Walmart)
2. Sparkles (big circles or tiny ones)
3. A small funnel

 What to do:
1. Pour the glitter into the bottle (if you put just a little, it spreads out more and you can see the color underneath the glitter, if you put in more, there's more sparkles)
2. Shake bottle and twirl brush inside
      TA-DAH! Your own glitter nail polish. This is great if you can't find the specific color you want. You can also combine different colors as well.

How to avoid messy mascara

         Every girl who has ever applied mascara, knows that mascara smudges under your eye when you apply it to your bottom lashes. This is a genius idea of how to stop that!
 GENIUS! Use a plastic spoon so you don't get mascara on your skin!   ...this website has TONS of great MAKEUP TIPS!Use a plastic spoon under your eye so that mascara doesn't go under your eye!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

DIY Polka dot nails

Want to have cute polka dot nails that you can do yourself? This is the so awesome! Here's how they look:

     Wanna know the trick for these super cute nails? :D Well here's the trick.
  Here's what to do
 1. Take a needle and poke it into the earaser of the pencil.
 2. Dip it into a little bit of nails polish and dab it onto your nails.

   TA DA!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kool-aid dyed hair

I am so excited about doing this post! Kool-aid dyed hair is totally awesome. Why? Because you get bold fun colors, with no chemicals or anything that will harm your hair! I have done this myself, using red. I dipped my hair all over in red kool aid and it so awesome! I will show you how to do this!
    This tends to work better if you have lighter hair, but if you have dark hair it will work better, just wont be as bold!
What you will need:
1. Kool aid (I got the packets from Walmart for .20 each, I got red. You can get any color)
2. Conditioner (any kind of conditioner)
3. Small Bowl
4. Gloves!
5. Mirror
6. Towel!!!
7. Foil
  What To Do:
1. Put water and kool-aid into a pan (for every packet you use, use a cup of water!)
2. Boil water and kool-aid
3. Get somewhere where a mess won't be a big deal
4. Pour mix into small bowl &squirt a bit of conditioner in. Mix
5. Dip the piece of hair you want to dip into the bowl, let it stay there for 5 minutes, pull piece out and wrap in foil (if you want highlights, dip entire piece into bowl)
6. Leave hair in foil for as long as possible (at least an hour, if you have brown hair, or dark blonde hair, leave it in ALL day!!!!)
7. Unwrap foil and wash hair!

   I hope this works for you. IF you want, go to youtube and search 'kool aid dye hair'

Friday, October 12, 2012

Honey DIY Facial!

 DIY (do it yourself) face masks are amazing, and this is a great one! You're going to need:
1 tbsp dried milk 
1 egg yolk 
1 tsp honey
 What to do:
Mix honey with the egg yolk and then stir in the dried milk powder.  Mix  into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with cool water

   Hope you enjoy this amazing facial. It will make your skin noticeably smoother!